#Writerslife 2018 Year In Review


Happy New Year 2019, everyone!

“Que salga lo viejo y entra lo nuevo,” or “Out with the old, in with the new.” I welcomed 2018 with those words, and with a pot of water tossed out the front door. I met many wonderful authors and artists in 2018 and hope to showcase their works in a future blog post dedicated to them.

For now, here’s my #writerslife 2018 year in review. If you want to get the full story behind the pictures, click on the image and hover over them. For mobile: tap the small white dot on the bottom right of your screen to enable the text.

Horror fantasist E.M. Markoff writes about damaged heroes and imperfect villains; she is also an inkblot artist. She is the creator of The Ellderet Series, a diverse dark fantasy epic exploring how family bonds are tested in a violent world.